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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Preferred Wedding Vendor

So excited to announce has been listed as a Preferred Wedding Vendor by Bridal Tweet!

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tips to Follow The Night Before Your Wedding Day

All Brides want to look their best on the most important day of her life. Follow these 10 tips to ensure you look vibrant and refreshed.

1. Get a Facial! You want to make sure you have the best skin possible before applying on your wedding day make up. Removing debris and moisturizing your skin will give you that extra glow. You can get it done professionally or do it yourself. There are lots of great products on the market today. If you normally don't do facial masks, make sure you start a couple of weeks before your wedding day. You wouldn't want a surprise pimple to pop up unexpectedly.

2Apply Under Eye Cream Before Bed. This will give you a well rested look removing puffiness, even if pre-wedding jitters keep you up all night. I recommend Oil of Olay Regenerist brand. It works wonders and doesn't cost a fortune. The bottle last quite a while too.
3Avoid Alcohol If At All Possible! Make sure you are well hydrated. Your wedding day may go by in the blink of an eye, but trust me, it is a long day of being on your feet. You don't want to be hung over or worse, too bloated to fit into your dress. So having your Bachelorette party the night before your big day, not a good idea. If your rehearsal dinner is the night before, stick to one or two drinks but then make sure to drink at least a glass of water before bed. 
4. Get a Good Nights Rest. As obvious as it sounds, it's harder than you think. You will be giddy with excitement and your mind will be going a mile minute. Pick a time to be in bed by and stick to it. Turn off your text and facebook alerts on your phone so you won't be distracted. Make sure you let others know not to disturb you after that specific time.